California Redwood Candle Review - World Journeys - Yankee Candle

The World Journeys Line is an amazing one by Yankee Candle.  I purchased and have burned my first one today, California Redwood.  I was so curious what this would smell like when a good wax pool had formed.  Well it is more intense than than what the cold throw smells like, and wow, how interesting!  I have been in and around California Redwood Trees, and can honestly tell you that to me, this smells just like a California Redwood tree!

The Redwoods are amazing trees, something to behold.  Their scent is unique.  This candle says it has natural extracts in it.  What really gets me is how simple and interesting this candle is.   The smell is spot on, and a very rich and handsome, and woodsy smell.

The burn is beautiful, with the two wicks in a large tumbler.  Once melting, the wax pool is beautiful as well, with the two lit wicks.  I didn't trim the wicks at all before burning, and the pool melted out to the edges nicely.

 The little photos on the label are beautiful, and it reminds me of the redwood trees.  In fact, upon really smelling the hot wax after extinguishing the flame, the scent took me back mentally to a time long ago as scents often can.  In this case, it would be a little over two decades ago.  An outdoorsy smell that I love.  I am so glad I tried it.  I had to write a review because I couldn't find one on this candle for a person that had burned it in blog form, or even on Youtube.  I could have just missed it, but I looked and looked.

If you are a collector of this line, this is a neat one to try, but may not be everyone's cup of tea.  I like it, and enjoy the break from bakery and fruity scents that I normally like.  A very handsome candle!

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