Cinnamon Chai WoodWick Candle Wax Review

WoodWick Candles have got my attention, and I have grown to love them to a large degree.  Currently, one of the things I am melting is the wax from a Cinnamon Chai WoodWick Candle.  I honestly wasn't sure exactly what to think at first.  Then it grew on me.

Upon the initial melt, the smell is alright, and kinda good.  Upon a longer period of being melted however, the scent becomes very nice!  It smells of cinnamon and vanilla, and like Chai tea all mixed together. 

It is a pleasant aroma, and fills my bathroom and moves out into my master bedroom which is nice for the throw, because there is a raised ceiling in there.  So there is great throw to these candles. 

If you are trying to decide whether or not to purchase one of these candles, why not try it?  I would recommend trying it once.  It is very nice.  I imagine the burning with the new wicks that are in the shape of an "x", or a plus sign will work even better than the old ones. 

I love and recommend Cinnamon Chai by WoodWick.

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